Social Commentator

Bêche-de-mer and the Binghis

Bêche-de-mer is an edible sea creature used to make soup. These primitive sea creatures are a popular food in several Asian cultures, especially Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese cuisines. During the colonial period of Queensland’s history, Aboriginals were employed to harvest the animals at low tide amongst the coral reefs of Torres Strait and the Great Barrier Reef. Many hands were required to hunt the exposed reefs and shoals, to wade the rock pools and dive the shallow waters of the fringing reefs. After a day of harvesting the animals, the work parties would return to the employer’s bêche-de-mer station, located on the nearest island, and begin the equally labour-intensive process of bringing the product to a marketable condition so that it might be sold in Hong Kong. These island work camps or “sit-down country” proved to be locations of dissatisfaction where the Aboriginal workforce would, it appears, acutely experience or develop an intense feeling of isolation and disgruntlement through pining and fretting for their tribal country. Consequently, the imperative to return to their tribal haunts and habitats, drove them on occasion to steal vessels and even to murder their overseers. Employing Aboriginals or Binghis, as they were known, proved to be a challenging task knowing that their unpredictability might at any time lead to an outburst of violence, which would not only terminate the contract of labour but also the life of the employer. 

Available from InHouse Publishing Brisbane,

Social Commentator

Four Corners: Dylan Voller strapped to chair multiple times, former Don Dale guard claims.

These kids in the past would have been considered uncontrollable, thus the restraint. What the media has failed to tell us is the criminal history of these delinquent offenders. They were in prison for a reason and no doubt needed to be restrained. Cut the drama, it is only an ABC beat up about a bunch of ferals.


Social Commentator

John Howard to be awarded Dr Phil!

In every tribe of men known to mankind, there is always a jerk to be found who can’t get his head round the niceties of life. Take for instance Dr Nicholas Riemer of Sydney University. John Howard’s old alma mater, Sydney University, is to award Howard an honorary doctorate as an acknowledgment of his achievements. Dr Riemer woke to find this news slammed fair and square between his eyes. He doesn’t like it and has reacted to the said news as if he’d found a live hand grenade down the front of his underpants. He is running round the campus in ever decreasing circles protesting at this outrage of disingenuous adoration of Howard but he runs the risk of self harm by vanishing up his own fundament.

Social Commentator

Weatherill and Wong in bed together!

Jay Weatherill is just another flog cut from the same cloth as Don Dunstan. As for Wong, she is just another Penny Dreadful, full of snakes and slugs and puppy dogs’ tails. Give’s a break, the Labor party is full of wogs, logs, dogs, slobs, and pigs; a deplorable bag of hammers.


Social Commentator

ABC Drum an outlet for abo lies and misinformation!

The Drum with Kosch, Aird and Sara was an unmitigated piece of tendentious nonsense. The first question is who is an aboriginal; not a jumped-up mestizo looking for a government handout for the rest of their life. Each of the deadbeats the Drum had on the panel talked about a fair go for the opposing side, in all my years watching the ABC I have never seen the ABC allow the Australian view to be put. NO to the Treaty, No constitutional amendments to include Abos. Read my book Deception Bay at Amazon Kindle.
