Social Commentator

Uproar in France over ‘burkini ban’ at Cannes beaches

There is one thing you can say with certainty and that is, that men’s fashion is relatively stable and sensible. The same cannot be said of women’s fashion which, notwithstanding feminism, remains a pork chop of styles and gallimaufries of forms, a dog’s breakfast in fact, but that is women for you. Moreover, if you ever have the pleasure to perve on the many styles of female Islamic attire that may be spotted from a cafe on Edgware Road, London then you will know what I mean. Islamic female dress codes prove beyond doubt that women are nuts and that translates across the board. So it comes as no surprise that the Mayor of Cannes would ban the burkini, good on him.


3 thoughts on “Uproar in France over ‘burkini ban’ at Cannes beaches

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